Thanks for all these recommendations as ever Claire. I watched The Diplomat this week, lots of people have been raving about it but it didn't quite do it for me. It got better towards the end but was very slow to begin with. And is it just me? But I'm finding the use of the F word in a lot of these series so annoying. Is it necessary to use it quite so much? 😡

A really good read this week was The London Train by Tessa Hadley, two separate but interlinked stories revolving around, you guessed it, a London train from and to Cardiff. She is such a good writer. This is the best book I've read by her so far - the two others were OK but I think they were early ones. Like most authors she got better with time. Have ordered 3 more for the pile. 📚

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Maybe I’ll give Queen Charlotte a go. Thank you for mentioning my latest Substack.

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I'm 2 episodes into Queen Charlotte. Watchable and fun, and I'll certainly see it through but I'm a bit puzzled over The Great Experiment - perhaps as I watch more it will make more sense.

I loved Wintering too so KM"s latest is on my TBR list. She writes so movingly.

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